
Posts Tagged ‘holding on’


August 3, 2014 Leave a comment

I don’t know if there’s a right time for us,

if there’s a chance we missed or one yet to come.

I do know what is happening now.


Now is too big for me to hold,

and I’m just chasing each day,

like some panicked, fierce little animal.


There is something different when I step outside.

My street remains blue, green, grey, and welcoming,

but there’s this current in my spine holding me vigilant and alert.

Ears pricked,

eyes scoping,

jaws ready.


Let’s close our eyes.

Let’s breath in and out,

and let our fingers touch.


I tightly grip these moments,

these little moments between us.

I like them so much, but still,

I’ll open my hand, palm up, and let them go.

I’ll let you go.
