Thirty Thanksgivings.

When I turned 30, I meant to write something about it, but I didn’t. Now that it’s Thanksgiving though, I’m feeling reflective for the second time this month. I realize that all of the things I’ve obtained and experienced by age 30 are all the things I’m thankful for. So here’s my cheesy Thanksgiving list:

1. Mr. Latimer

2. The mom that I had, flaws and all

3. The brother that I had, even though I wish we’d had more time

4. My many, many cousins

5. That my grandmom and I grew to like and understand each other before her dementia set in

6. That my dad found someone new

6a.  Jeannie and her family

7. The friends I grew up with

8. The friends I made at UMass

9. The friends I made in New Orleans

10. The friends I made in Georgia

11. The friends I made when I moved back to Philly

12. All friendships that vanished then reformed

13. Good mentors

14. Judo

14a. The old judo family

14b. My new friends and mentors at the PJC

15. That I’ve gotten to travel all over the U.S.

16. That I’ve gotten to travel to other countries

17. That I’ve had lots of great educational opportunities

18. That I was raised by parents who liked to read

19. That I was raised in a household that gave equal opportunity to both the Beatles and the Rolling Stones

20. That I’ve had the chance to live by myself

21. That I started writing again

22. That I’m no longer so twitchy and self-conscious that I can actually put all my silly writing on the internet

23. That I found a job I love

24. That I’m back in a city

25. That I’m learning to ask for help

26. That I realized how amazing my classmates are

27. That I’m finally tall enough to ride all the roller coasters

28. That I didn’t go blind in my left eye

29. Google Image searches for baby ducks

30. YouTube videos of kittens on Roombas

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  1. November 25, 2012 at 14:54

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